Business or Leisure

We are ready to attend all your travelling needs in the UAE

Whatever your travelling needs, CLA Tourism is ready to take care of you or your business


With ample experience in the tourism industry, we are ready to attend all your travelling needs from corporate groups, to families wishing to spend their vacation in the United Arab Emirates.

We work only with the best in the business to provide our services in Dubai and the UAE and we will work tirelessly to make sure you have the best itinerary possible for you, your family or your business.

Sometimes all you need is a guiding hand

Even the most seasoned traveller can learn a thing or two with the locals

Activities and Attractions

From the tallest skyscrapers in the world to the smallest beduin village in the middle of the desert. The UAE offers an incredible range of amazing things to visit, see and experience. Learn more about what this amazing country has to offer and how we can help you make the best of your trip.


Wherever you need to go

We will take you there

We have an extensive range of transportation options to fulfil your needs during your stay in the UAE. From buses to high-end cars and vans, we work together with the best partners in the business to make sure we are ready to attend groups, families or individuals to the highest quality possible.

  • Whatever your transportation needs in Dubai may be, our team is ready to support you 24/7 with all your logistical needs, be it a corporate business group or a family of travellers setting foot in the UAE for the first time.

  • We know that arriving in a new country for the first time can be burdensome even for the most experienced travellers, especially after many hours travelling. Our experienced team will take care of you or your group from the moment you arrive in Dubai until your check-in in your hotel.

  • Either a conference in Abu Dhabi, or a transfer to your favorite resort in Ras Al-Khaimah, we will make sure you get to your destination on time and effortlessly.