Privacy Policy

At C L A TOURISM LLC, we are concerned about your privacy. This policy describes what, why and how we collect and use your personal data, how we protect it and how you can get in touch with us here to send an email to our data privacy officer.

More to the point, this policy regulates the processing of data carried out by C L A TOURISM LLC, company registered in Dubai, UAE, located at Office 206, DBCS Building, Al Garhoud, Dubai, UAE. P.O Box- 430443 (here in after “C L A TOURISM LLC or CLA”), as the controller of your data and a company of C L A TOURISM LLC, through this website (here in after, the “Website”).

This policy covers the processing of personal data of

  1. clients and/or potential clients

  2. suppliers and/or potential suppliers and

  3. candidates who wish to be future employees who access or transmit information through the Website. Therefore, this policy provides information regarding the processing of data with respect to the different categories of data subjects previously indicated.

If you are a user that does not fit into any of the categories listed above, please refrain from contacting or providing your personal data to C L A TOURISM LLC. In any case, you are informed that, if you contact C L A TOURISM LLC outside of the aforementioned cases, your data will be automatically deleted.

  1. What are the purposes and lawful basis of the processing of your data carried out by C L A TOURISM LLC?

    The data that C L A TOURISM LLC requests or may request from you is necessary for the purposes described in this policy and failure to provide it may lead C L A TOURISM LLC to be unable to contact you or manage your requests.

    C L A TOURISM LLC reserves the right not to respond or process requests that do not include all the data that is requested.

    By providing C L A TOURISM LLC with your data, you guarantee the veracity of the same and accept that CLA Tourism may periodically request the review and update of personal data that you keep.

    On this Website, you can find information that may be useful in order to learn about the services offered by C L A TOURISM LLC. In this sense, C L A TOURISM LLC will only request you and, therefore, will process the necessary data to provide you with the services you contracted or to be able to initiate and maintain a commercial and/or contractual relationship with you.

    More to the point, the purposes for which your data may be processed by C L A TOURISM LLC and the lawful basis for that processing is as follows:

    1. If you are a client or potential client of C L A TOURISM LLC

      1. Performance of a contract between you and C L A TOURISM LLC or application of pre-contractual measures:

        Manage the contractual relationship with you and ensure the provision of the contracted products and services, C L A TOURISM LLC, as well as the service quality, billing, collection and withdrawal of the same.

        Manage the commercial relationship with potential clients, attending to requests for information on products and services offered by C L A TOURISM LLC.

        Manage and process any legal claims, out-of-court claims and insurance claims received by C L A TOURISM LLC in relation to you.

      2. Consent:

        Carry out commercial communications to you by any means, including electronics means, based on your browsing and/or consumption habits. Said communications may refer to advertising or promotional material on products and services that are considered to be of your interest based on the aforementioned criteria.

      3. Legitimate interests of C L A TOURISM LLC:

        Carry out commercial communications related to products and services similar to those contracted by you. In this case, the legitimate interest of C L A TOURISM LLC would be to carry out direct marketing activities aimed at its clients, in accordance with Recital 47 of the General Data Protection Regulation.

        Conduct surveys and market studies to know the quality of our products or services and the preference of our clients. The legitimate interest of C L A TOURISM LLC is to improve the commercial offer and experience to its clients.

    2. If you are a provider or potential provider of C L A TOURISM LLC

      On this Website, you can find information that may be useful in order to learn about the services offered by C L A TOURISM LLC. In this sense, C L A TOURISM LLC will only request you and, therefore, will process the necessary data to provide you with the services you contracted or to be able to initiate and maintain a commercial and/or contractual relationship with you.

      More to the point, the purposes for which your data may be processed by C L A TOURISM LLC and the lawful basis for that processing is as follows:

      Manage the commercial relationship with potential suppliers, attending to requests for information.
      Formalize the contractual relationship, which includes the contracting process and signature of the contracts.
      Manage the contractual relationship with the suppliers of C L A TOURISM LLC, which includes tracking the relationship and payment to them.

      1. Performance of a contract between you and C L A TOURISM LLC or application of pre-contractual measures

  2. Data processing coupled with mere navigation through the Website

    In order to improve our services, to provide you with more relevant content and to analyse how visitors use this Website, we may use technologies, such as cookies or tracking software. Please be aware that in most cases we will not be able to identify you from the information we collect using these technologies.

    Regarding the use of cookies on this Website, please note that the same are small pieces of information stored by your browser on your computer’s hard drive. They enable you to navigate on this Website and allow us to provide features such as remembering aspects of your last search to make subsequent searches faster. You can delete cookies if you wish. While certain cookies are necessary for viewing and navigating on this Website, most of the features will be still accessible without cookies

    For more information on how we use cookies and how you can remove them, read our Cookie Policy

  3. Who are the third parties to which your personal data may be shared?

    The personal data that you provide to C L A TOURISM LLC may be communicated to the following categories of recipients:

    1. Third parties to which C L A TOURISM LLC is obliged to transmit information, such as public authorities, in order to comply with the requirements of said authorities and the applicable regulations, as the case may be.

    2. Companies that are part of the C L A TOURISM LLC, with the purpose of being able to properly manage and optimize your contractual relationship as a result of the centralization of administrative and computer processes existing within the C L A TOURISM LLC.
      Also, we inform you that the C L A TOURISM LLC can count on or collaborate with companies outside Brazil or the European Union. In those cases, C L A TOURISM LLC, acting on behalf of its corporate affiliates and subsidiaries, requires that these companies comply with the measures designed to protect personal data established in a binding contract, except in cases where the European Commission has determined that the country where said companies are located provide for an adequate level of protection of personal data.

      Should you wish, you can obtain a copy of the measures required by C L A TOURISM LLC by contacting our Data Protection Officer at

  4. How does C L A TOURISM LLC protect your data?

    C L A TOURISM LLC has appropriate policies and has put into place technical and organizational measures to safeguard and protect your personal data against illegal or unauthorized access, loss or accidental destruction, damage, use and illegal or unauthorized disclosure.

    At C L A TOURISM LLC, we will also take all reasonable precautions to ensure that our staff and employees who have access to your personal data have received adequate training.

    In any case, please note that any transmission of data through the Internet is not completely secure and, as such, must be carried out at your own risk. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, C L A TOURISM LLC cannot guarantee the security of the personal data transmitted through this Website.

  5. How long does C L A TOURISM LLC keep your data?

    The retention period of your data will be determined according to the duration of your contractual relationship with C L A TOURISM LLC and the deadlines defined by law. In this sense, the criteria that C L A TOURISM LLC uses to set the terms of retention of your data have been determined in accordance with the requirements established in the applicable legislation, regulations and guidelines, as well as the operational requirements of C L A TOURISM LLC related to the correct management of the relationship with its customers. Whenever you give your consent, your data will be kept up until a moment when you revoke said consent.

  6. How can you exercise the rights over your personal data?

    You may exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, objection, limitation and portability, as well as to withdrawal at any time the consents you have previously given us, by mail to C L A TOURISM LLC, Dubai, UAE, located at Office 206, DBCS Building, Al Garhoud, Dubai, UAE. P.O Box- 430443 or by sending an email to Should you wish, you may also contact our Data Protection Officer as the contact details indicated below.

  7. How can you contact us?

    If you have questions or comments in relation to data protection matters, you may contact our Data Protection Officer, at